My Life in Yellow was created in 2010. When asked, "Why yellow?"
"To me, Yellow represents happiness. It is bright, cheery and demands attention.
Yellow is a color hard to ignore, forget and is far from ordinary.
It is all the things I strive to be."
The first publicly shared writings started right before a move to New York City. A blog was created as a way to share experiences with family and friends. The style of writing evolved over the years but while watching a downpour in Kerala, India, it fell into a more poetic format.
Her style of handwriting has become a signature of hers along with her use of a yellow pen. Her words have great impact but so does her handwriting. You can see the emotion in each letter.
The purpose of My Life in Yellow is to create art using words to evoke an emotion. The world can be so numb and lonely at times that 'feeling something' is a great challenge. Through her street art stickers she hopes to give people a moment when they don't feel so alone. Through her poetry, she exposes her own insecurities, experiences and curiosities as a way to show there is someone else out there who understands.
In 2017, she took her poetry to the stage and instantly fell in love with how it gives her the opportunity to share longer works with all the emotion they were written with.